

Our u3a is for people who want to keep active in mind and body, enjoy socialising, and are no longer in full time employment.

u3a Members also benefit from being able to join any of the growing number of Interest Groups which cover a wide variety of subjects. Some members join the u3a just to be able to participate in our friendly Groups led by knowledgeable and enthusiastic leaders.

Latest Notices

National u3a is recruiting new Board Trustees and Council Representatives

At the Trust AGM a resolution was adopted that changed the Articles of the Third Age Trust and allowed for the setting up of smaller Board and a Council to represent the Regions. One more representative is needed to represent the South West on the Coucil. Do you think it could be you? Would you like to share your experience, your enthusiasm and your love of the u3a movement with the rest of the Region and represent them on the Council? Follow the link to read a message from Sarah Parker our current Trustee for the South West.

Forthcoming Meetings

  • December Lecture - Wessex Water Sewerage

    Sue Goodland of Wessex Water will describe Wessex Water's sewerage handling in our area, a topical subject.

  • January Lecture - Bristol & Weston hospital charity

    Today we welcome Natalie Watts from the Bristol and Weston Hospitals Charity to explain their work. Bristol & Weston Hospitals Charity (formerly Above & Beyond) is doing great things to improve the health and happiness of every patient in all 10 of our hospitals in Bristol city centre, South Bristol and Weston-super-Mare. Together with our local NHS,…

  • February Lecture - Green Waste Composting

    This month we welcome Graeme Buckman of Enovert, the company that takes the green waste collected in Weston-super-Mare and converts it into compost for our gardens.

For information about the Weston-super-Mare u3a including how to join see the About page.

Weston-super-Mare U3A - Registered charity No. 1048773