


What is The Third Age?

It refers to a period of time after the First Age of childhood dependence and the Second Age of full-time employment and parental responsibility.

What is the University?

The u3a is a self-help organisation and we look to members to share their knowledge and skills. Members meet in groups to develop their particular interests. We do not have any paid tutors; group leaders are members who volunteer to coordinate groups in subjects of their choice. Members are not students and qualifications are neither required nor given. Members who are fit are expected to offer to help in any way they can with the running of u3a.

u3a Group Meetings

Most groups meet in the daytime. our Groups are shown on the Groups page. Please contact the Group Leader for more details by clicking on the Group Leaders name on the Group page.

If the group is currently full, it may be pssible to put you on a waiting list. You can also contact the Groups Secretary, Jenny Schofield, telephone 01934 822450, who may be able to start an additional group on your chosen subject.

Monthly Lectures

The lectures are held on the second Friday afternoon each month, apart from August.  Lectures are given in the United Reform Church Hall in Waterloo Street, Weston-super-Mare. A guest speaker gives the lecture. Lectures start at 2.15pm and last for about an hour, with time for questions. Sessions conclude with tea or coffee and biscuits and close at about 4pm

Forthcoming Lectures are show in the Lecture Group page. Click on the Event for more information.

Coffee Mornings

These are held at the Friends Meeting House in the High Street (corner with Oxford Street) every Tuesday from 10am to 11.15am. They provide an opportunity for members to meet socially and see the Notice boards that display current information.

Enquiries and fee payments are dealt with at the coffee morning.

What does it cost?

The subscription for the year April 2024 to March 2025 is £12. Members can join more than one group if they wish. At each group meeting in a private home 30p is payable to the group leader for refreshments and incidentals. There is an additional charge of £2 for a group meeting held in a room or hall which has to be hired.

How to Join

You can join at our weekly coffee morning held at the Friends Meeting House in the High Street, Weston-Super-Mare.  (corner of Oxford Street) on Tuesday mornings from 10.00 am to 11.15 am. Alternatively, you can download an application form here. The form is self explanatory and the address to return it to is included on the form.

Any one who qualifies as a member can join immediately, but there is no guarantee that they can be accepted into any particular group. Once a member you will have to contact the group leader to check if there are vacancies in a group. No formal qualifications are needed and there is no upper or lower age limit.

last updated 19/7/24