

Theatre Visits

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Theatre Visits group
When: Various
Venue: Various venues

Details of trips to theatres are sent out to all members by email and also advertised at the coffee morning. Future trips will be advertised here too.

We usually make an annual visit to a Shakespeare play in Stratford in the Summer (August or September). The trip is usually advertised and has to be paid for about 6 months earlier.

The Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham is another favourite, and sometimes the theatres in Cardiff.

There are always spaces on the coach for members who just want to visit the towns for shopping or sight seeing.

Get in touch if you have suggestions!

Forthcoming events

30th April 2025

Murder on the Orient Express

A day trip has been organised to go to the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham on Wednesday April 30th to see Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express. The cost of […]

Cost: £62 - includes theatre ticket, coach and driver’s gratuity (for coach trip to Cheltenham without theatre £19.00)
Booking Required