

Locking Music Group

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Locking Music group
When: Weekly on Tuesday afternoons
Venue: Locking Village Hall

Originally the Weston u3a Guitar Group, music sessions were held at Locking Village Hall comprising mostly male guitarists. After the  loss of several members, then a change of leadership to Rod Holloway, it was decided in January 2024 to merge with the u3a Music for Fun Group.  

This has led to a more diverse and varied musical group. The combined group was renamed the Locking Music Group, LMG. Since this merger the group has been very successful and many new members have now joined.

Our singers range from soprano to bass, and although the most popular instrument played is the guitar (including 12-string) we also have two tenor ukuleles, a bodhran (Irish drum), autoharp, keyboard, and a piano accordion. Songs played are mostly from the 1950’s-1980’s.

The group is now near maximum capacity and we come from all walks of life, including retired ex-RAF Locking members who still reside in the area. The group rehearsals are always tremendous fun with a lot of joking and banter. We all work really well together and after the music sessions we leave full of feel-good endorphins!