

Book club 3

Status:Active, not currently accepting new members
Group email: Book club 3 group
When: Monthly on Monday mornings
3rd Monthly
Venue: Group Leader's home

For those of us who enjoy reading one of the great advantages of being in a book club is that we read books we would never have chosen ourselves.
We meet on the third Monday of the month, with a maximum of 12 people (the limit I can accommodate comfortably in my conservatory). Members are issued with a new book, always a novel, at each meeting and return a month later to discuss it. With 12 of us
we are guaranteed a lively discussion.
Books are loaned to us by the library, which now has an extensive list of sets of books specifically for book clubs.
I have run Book Club 3 for almost 9 years, and a mark of its success is that it is extremely rare for anyone to leave. Our meetings have their serious side, but there is always a great deal of laughter and fun.