Group Leaders' Guide Lines are included in the Policies and Procedures document
Group Leaders are asked to check their Group page on this site for accuracy and to send any corrections or updates to our Web Manager.
This page and the documents listed are under review
Useful documents have been copied across from the old website are available below:
Accident Report form as editable document
Equipment Inventory (updated 23/09/24)
Guidelines for Group Leaders see section on Groups
Below are a two new records, in various formats, required by our Treasurer, a revised Attendance Record Sheet for use at Group Meetings where hall charges are levied and a Paid to Bank form to be sent to the Treasurer showing fees collected and transferred to bank.
NEW Group Attendance Record Sheet as a pdf - download and print as many pages as you require.
NEW Group Attendance Record Sheet as editable document, download the file and it will open as an editable MS Word document
NEW Group Attendance Record Sheet as spreadsheet (includes Paid to Bank Form) - download the file and it will open as an editable MS Excel workbook
NEW Paid to Bank Form as pdf - download and print
NEW Paid to Bank Form as editable document - download the file and it will open as an editable document
Please let me know of any issues with any of these new documents at Web Manager
For information on the submission of these documents contact the Treasurer
Health & Safety Check list for hired halls
National u3a Home-based risk assessment
National u3a Venue-based risk assessment
New Group Registration as editable document
Trip Organisers see Guidance Notes for Trips
last updated 19/11/24