

the Drama Group present "More Stuff and Nonsense"

Event type: Social
Date: 5th October 2024
Time: 2:15 pm
Group: Drama
Venue: Kewstoke Village Hall
Cost: £5.00
Booking: Note that booking is required.

We invite you to another afternoon of entertainment on Saturday 5th October commencing at 2.15pm. As usual, we will be at Kewstoke Village Hall, Crookes Lane in Kewstoke (on No. 1 bus route from the bus interchange in Weston Town Centre).

This year we are staging a short play written by one of our members. After an interval for tea/coffee, we have seven short sketches, poems, jokes and perhaps songs to make you laugh (or cry!!).

Tickets priced at £5 each will be on sale at coffee mornings, or from your group leaders in August and September. Do please come along and support us.