


Event type: Social
Date: 11th October 2024
Time: 2:00 pm
Venue: Clevedon Community Centre
Booking: Note that booking is required.

 The Northern Somerset Network of u3as is holding another Quiz on Friday afternoon 11th October 2024 at Clevedon Community Centre, commencing at 2.00 pm. 

The entry cost will be £30 per team of four, to include afternoon tea, our Committee has agreed to cover this cost for our team(s).

Prizes provided by the NSA will be awarded to teams coming first and second based upon the total number of correct answers submitted. There will be a Shield for the winning team to be held for 12 months. 

Each NSA u3a can enter at least one team, with the opportunity to enter a second team on a first come, first served basis. 

Please use the contact form for Nora Charters to request an application form.


  1. Teams will consist of 4 players representing their u3a.

2. There will 10 rounds with 10 questions in each round. Afternoon tea will be served after the first 5 rounds of questions have been completed.

3. There will be a round where teams may play their JOKER. The Joker sheet marked with the team’s name and round identified must be submitted to the Question Master BEFORE the round commences. Teams submitting their JOKER will be marked double points for questions answered correctly.

4. Questions will be based upon the following topics: 

  • Answers which start with the letter N
  • Answers which start with the letter S
  • Answers which start with the letter A
  • North Somerset place names in the answer
  • Film and television
  • Music
  • History and Geography
  • Science and Nature
  • Art and Literature
  • Sports and Leisure 

5. The Question Master’s decision is final in all matters.

Weston-super-Mare u3a has already entered one team but there is room for one more from our u3a.

(last updated 20/9/24)