Message from Sarah Parker, Trustee for the South West
To All South West u3a Members 19.11.24
Hello Everyone,
As you all know at the Trust AGM a resolution was adopted that changed the Articles of the Third Age Trust and allowed for the setting up of smaller Board and a Council to represent the Regions.
Here in the South West I have, for the last 4 years, been the Trustee. I have served on the Trust Board and as such have been a trustee of the Third Age Trust Charity. Along side that I have tried to support u3as in the South West. I have visited u3as when invited, attended Networks, again when invited, tried to help you with problems, answered your emails, often not as fast as you would have liked, driven hundreds of miles and tried to fit in some family time.
As a Council member I will not have to attend Board meetings and there will be two of us to do all the other things so less of a load.
So now, as we move forward to the next stage, it is time to find the members of the new Council and the new Board of the Third Age Trust. Each Region and Nation will have two Representatives on the Council; here in the South West I, as the current Trustee, will transition onto the Council. I was elected for a second term in 2023 and so have two more years to serve.
So, one more representative is needed for the South West. Do you think it could be you? Would you like to share your experience, your enthusiasm and your love of the u3a movement with the rest of the Region and represent them on the Council? You do not have to wait to be asked, if you think you could do it put your name forward. All the information on the Trust website. It is in the Events section in the Members Area.
For those of you who are considering putting your name forward as a Board member all the information is there as well.
Remember, if you love the u3a movement and like a bit of a challenge put your name forward.
I look forward to working with you,
Best Wishes,
Trustee for the South West – for a little bit longer!